Feeling burdened? Hearing the word "burden" makes me think of something very heavy and hard to carry. Burdens can slow down our lives because they make us feel overwhelmed and weighed down with the heaviness of the load we are trying to carry. Thankfully, the God we serve never expected us to carry any load alone. In fact if we come to Him asking for help with our burdens He will carry them for us; "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"(Matt 11:28). When we get too caught up in the heaviness of our burdens we loose sight on the things that are most important in our spiritual walk. We find ourselves doubting instead of believing. We look at how hopeless the situation may be instead of how hopeful the outcome could be if we allow God to handle it for us. We worry with great anxiety over situations that we can not control. God is in control of all, He loves us and understands us. He knows what we need when we need it and He wants us to experience joy and peace while living for Him. We can't experience those blessings if we are filled with anxiety and worry, bad memories, bitterness, fear, uncertainty, stress, overwhelmed, tired, unappreciated, feeling's of worthlessness, and a heart and mind filled with doubt. God knows we need Him and He wants us to surrender our burdens unto Him. Realizing that the heaviness of the problem's we face our bigger than we are and only He can control what that outcome will be. We must put our COMPLETE trust in Him, and have confidence in His word. The Lord will carry our load for us and deliver us from it as well. Sure it may not be on your time, or mine, but it will be on God's time and He is always ON TIME! We tend to keep up our guard and maintain control over a given situation as long as we possibly can before we hand it over to the Lord. Well this contradicts with what the word of God advises us to do. He tells us to come to Him and He will carry our loads for us and He WILL give us rest! What makes us think we don't need God in even the least of our problems. Many times we make a small problem much bigger by choosing to handle it on our own instead of going to God in prayer and willfully giving it to Him. WE NEED GOD IN EVERY SITUATION! Leaving Him out will destroy our walk with Him. Our only hope is through Jesus Christ. We must let nothing stand in the way of our walk with Him. He loves us and we must trust that when we give it to Jesus, there will be: memories of grace and mercy, love, forgiveness, security, certainty, peace, contentment, and a lightened spirit, body and mind. Above all we will find rest and be burden free! Let go and watch what the Lord will do, this is what is required from us. We are to go to Him in prayer and expect result's because we know He will never fail us! We can't allow satan to keep us bound. Through Jesus Christ, we can move mountains in His name, we can conquer all and be over comers, we can do all things through Him which gives us strength!
1 comment:
First off, that picture is hilarious!!! Perfect for the "burdened" theme!!!
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