Asking God daily to help us remember the things He has taught us will better prepare us for future tests. Let's for a moment say you are a student who has spent much time preparing for a test. Now the time has come to take the test, you complete the test and it is now behind you. What have you gained or profited from that test if you remember nothing that you were just tested on. If you have ever taken any Algebra classes in your life, you know that one test is a fundamental building block for the next upcoming test. It is imperative that you remember the material you just learned in order to build on that and grasp greater algebraic equations. It is a steady growth process, much like our walk with God. We must build on what we learn from the tests we pass through in our lives. Although God is always faithful and never changes, we are changing continually. Hopefully for the better! Learning to trust in the Lord at all times seems to be one of the hardest things to do even as Christian's. We tend to want to take control of the matters in our life, and fix our problems instead of waiting upon the Lord. We know God doesn't need our help, yet we have this incredibly strong urge to give the creator of the universe a helping hand! It's only then do the matters in our life only worsen, while God quietly sits back letting us learn yet another lesson. Trust the Lord with your life and only good will come from it! Every moment and trial leads to a deeper and greater relationship with God. With each lesson learned you are wiser and better equipped to succeed the next test. God is already perfected, we on the other hand are a constant work of art! God is slowly but surely molding us into the image he would like for us to be. Each moment with God comes a new moment of spiritual growth. Step by step we are building under our feet an unshakable foundation. With every step we become a little wiser, stronger, and all the more powerful. Able to withstand anything that may come our way through the power of His spirit and through his loving guidance. Even when you feel you can not take another step, lean on Him, trust Him, and know He will not bring you to anything that His spirit won't lift you and carry you through!
"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." Philippians 3:12
1 comment:
You are so awesome. = ) Very inspiring words and very true. God def. uses you. Love you
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