The most important aspect of a friendship is the ability to speak the truth along with love and wisdom. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 28:25 that a proud heart stirreth up strife. God is not pleased with a haughty or arrogant spirit but a spirit that shows love and kindness at all times. This is the attitude that is pleasing and exceptable to the Lord. We should all have a desire to get along with others, we should humble ourselves and not think of ourselves as a little better or smarter than another. God loves us and never belittles us. He is our uplifter and constant encouragment. He gives us hope and confidence to do great and mighty things and allows us to accomplish what ever we set out to do! If we are to follow after His ways than we should be potraying these same acts to everyone around us. Without Him we are worthless but with Him we are worth more than if we were to gain the whole world! As children of God we should always strive to act in a way that is good and suitable to Him. This is not to say that we always do, just that we always should. Going to a person in love and in truth is better than trying to avoid a confrontation. If we approach situations in this manner nothing but good can come from it. Praying for our enemies or people who have wronged us is not always easy to do. We may find ourselves thinking why should they be blessed? They have done so much wrong to me! With out compassion and sensitivity towards others we enable ourselves to truly be set free from the pain or hurt that they may have caused us. It is about overcoming evil with good. Proverbs 13:26 tells us to lean not on our own understanding or ability but to lean on God. After all, He has all the answers! Part of growing in Christ is realizing that we don't have all the answers and may never while here on earth. Trusting in the Lord is what will sustain us and nothing else. His word will give us continual upliftment and strength. There are no limits with Christ, the possibilities are endless! We just have to TRUST and OBEY! Even if we don't fully understand. I was thinking earlier before writing this and thinking about how hard it is to give certain situations in life to God and to not pick them up again. I feel God gave me a thought, if we were to tell our child to do something, what would our expectation for that child be? We would expect the child to do as he or she was told. We are the authority over them as parents and we know what is best for our children. We would not compromise with them about why they should or should not do as they were told. Would you except them rebuteling you with questions of why and oppinions to a way they may feel is better. No, we expect them to obey and trust us. We continually confirm to them that we love them and are doing what is best for them. Knowing that one day they will fully understand the reasons behind our descisions. God is our father and loves us more than we can comprehend. He wants us to trust and obey Him. He has no desire for us to sift through his word looking for loop holes that will give us the answers that we feel are right or ease our own consciences. We trust that there are reasons for His word and He will reveal to us all the answers and give us complete understanding of all things when we fully depend on Him!
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13
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