We all have dreams and plans. Once the dreams or desires are given to God we become excited with anticipation of what the future will soon hold. The God we serve is a prayer answering God and the Bible does tell us He finds delight in answering our prayers.
"Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Every desire we have may not be Christlike or uplifting to the Lord. Obviously the Lord will not find delight in answering prayers that are not for good. We need to be mindful that any desire that we may intend for our self that is not God's desire for us is a desire not worth fulfilling! David desired to build a royal house in the capitol city of his kingdom. God did not give him his desire and we know God loved David very much. God's desire for David was for him to fight the Lord's battle until the Israelites were safe and secure in the promise land. Following the Lord through His Divine direction will help us distinguish the difference between a God given desire or a desire we have chosen right for ourselves. What are God's desires for you? What is he tugging at your heart with? Maybe a ministry that God has pricked your heart over, or someone in need of a special friend. Our greatest ministry is how we affect the heart of someone that we are near. There are desires that God is anxious to give! I am thankful for those. Just because a desire we pray for isn't given to us overnight doesn't necessarily mean that it will never come to pass either. The cross became a symbol of torture and death but Jesus wanted it to symbolize much more for us. Jesus told the disciples to deny themselves and take up his cross daily, and follow Him. Meaning to continually or daily serve the Lord with self-denial, obedience and complete dedication. Trusting in God through all circumstances, believing that He knows all and only desires what is best for us will only add many blessings to our lives. How many times do we pray God will answer something in our life and He answers it in a way that we completely did not expect Him to. Yet the answer was far greater than anything you or I could have possibly imagined. What do we gain if all our prayers are answered in an instant? Through patience and small progressive steps we gain character and spiritual skills. God proved to Lazarus's sisters when their brother had died that He was not finished. Even though after Lazarus's death they stopped praying for him led alone expected him to be healed. Remember he WAS dead! Never would they have imagined that once their beloved brother had died God would raise him from his grave! Just a reminder that nothing is impossible for God. God was not finished with Lazarus and God is not finished with us! Even after God gives us our desires we must remember they are not given to us for ultimate fulfillment, but as a added bonus from the Lord. Our heavenly father who loves us more than we can comprehend. Even while being blessed we must keep our eyes and hearts upon Him. For He is the reason for all things and only through Him can we find everlasting joy, peace and contentment!
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