What is faith? The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Our relationship with God builds on the foundation of our faith in Him. "One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all"(Ephesians 4:5-6). This verse again confirms baptism should be under no other name expect JESUS CHRIST. Every time an instance or circumstance arises, we depend on Him for the answers and Him for change. We ask Him and believe with confidence, knowing that He will never fail us and He delights in answering our prayers. Believing with absoluteness that God is in control of all and we are powerless without Him. There is nothing He can not do or change. He is the only hope for change with any of us! As soon as we are faced with a problem, we should be prayerful over that problem, asking God for help to sustain, lift, and even carry us through it! HE WILL! "We cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6), and whatever is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:23). With faith comes miraculous power, the Bible says if we have as much faith as a mustard seed than we can move mountains! That is powerful! Our problems can sometimes seem like mountains. Immovable, unshakable and to BIG to get over or around! Praise God, with a little faith and His power, those mountains will move and we will make it through any obstacle that comes our way. Because WE ARE IMMOVABLE, UNSHAKABLE, AND TOO POWERFUL THROUGH THE SPIRIT OF THE HOLY GHOST! There is no satan ridden hindrance that can come against us and prevail. We are children of the most High and even satan himself fears God and His children. He recognizes the power of God and trembles with fear because of it. After all, even satan knows where he came from. Satan was once a man made by God, but he turned against God and thought He could take the place of God. At that moment he was thrown into the pit of hell where he belongs. It was power that motivated satan then and power motivates him today. He can only gain power over the soul through the mind. If he can convince one to have a made up mind to sin he can posses their soul. Satan is out to kill, steal and destroy lives. The enemy does not want us to prosper or experience love, joy or peace in our lives. When we are at our weakest moment is when we feel the most threatened by satan, but if we keep our eyes, and minds and hearts on God, He will protect us! HE will give us the power to be conquerors and He will sustain us. We don't have to fear what the future holds because we know who holds our future! There is no sickness, physical or emotional hurt that can keep us bound. Through the God given power of our faith in Him, we can cast out or move these afflictions out of our lives! (Mark 16:16) "He who believed and was baptised shall be saved;"
(Acts 15:11) ) "for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.(Philippians 2:12) "Who are being kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."
(1 Peter 1:9) "Receiving at the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls."
God gives us "a measure of faith". (Romans 12:3)
If we don't use it, we will loose it!
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