The Samaritan woman was more than just a woman from Samaria. The Bible tells her story as a woman who was drawing water from her village well. Usually the young and strong did this chore. It was a heavy chore but because this was their only means for water, they carried their heavy vessels full of water to their home many times a day. When Jesus came to the well He was tired and thirsty from the heat. He asked the Samaritan woman who was there at the well drawing water to give Him a drink. The Samaritans had developed a reputation for having questionable beliefs and the Jewish people usually avoided contact with Samaritans all together. She knew the man (Jesus) was a jew and was suprised that He spoke to her, a woman from Samaria. She asked Him "Why do you ask me for a drink, a Samaritan woman? Jesus responded by saying, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you 'Give me a drink' you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water"(John4:1-10). Jesus began talking with the woman and explained to her that when one drinks of ordinary water they will surely thirst again, but one who thirsts after the Father would never thirst again and He would give one eternal life. He then spoke to her about her past five husbands and of the man whom she was living with and yet not married to. The woman was amazed that He knew so much about her. She knew this man was different and she thought He must be the Messiah. Jesus told her the Messiah was coming and had arrived, and it was He. Now the woman felt her feelings about Jesus were confirmed and she went throughout the town to tell the people what had happened and to come see Jesus. Once the people came and heard Jesus they believed in Him and accepted Him as the one and only true Savior. The Samaritan woman acted much like an apostle. She left her vessel behind at the well and went to tell others about Jesus. Her testimony caused others to believe. "He told me everything I have ever done. So when the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to stay with them, and He stayed for two days." (John 4:39-42)
In order to experience eternal life we must draw from Him. Nothing on earth will satisfy us for long. These things are only temporary or for a season. God is the only one who can satisfy the soul indefinitely. We must act as the Samaritan woman, telling others our own personal testimonys of what the Lord has done in our lives. Spreading the "Good News", and persuading others to believe in Jesus. We have a responsability to tell as many as we can so others can draw everlasting living water and inherit eternal life! We all need Jesus in our lives and it is important that we all trust Him and obey Him. "Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and,'Love your neighbor as yourself,'" Luke 10:27. How can we truley claim to love our neighbor as ourselves if we can't share the gospel of Jesus with them. Just as the women filled their vessels full of fresh water from the well, we must fill every living vessel we meet with the word of God!
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