"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." Psalm 55:22 (NIV)
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Philippians 4:6).
When we do what His Word tells us to do, we can then experience peace and comfort (Philippians 4:7).
Some of you already know that my son Will had an accident at the park two weeks ago today. He came down the slide with his older sister and some how his foot got twisted underneath her. He immediately was unable to walk, which was quite scary for me as a Mom. We rushed over to his pediatric office and the doctor looked over him and determined that his foot was not broken but seemed to be a very bad sprang. The doctor told me that if Will was not walking on his foot or showing some improvement within the next couple of days he recommended we have a few x-rays done. Well a couple of days passed by and still no improvement what so ever. We had the x-rays done and again we found no broken bones. A week and a half later Will started showing some improvements, he applied pressure to his foot and would try to walk but with a very noticeable limp. This was starting to concern me and the doctor. we both felt that Will should have been over this by now. We were concerned with ligament damage. The doctor still insisted it was probably just a severe sprang but if he was still not walking well with in a few days we probably should get the advice of an Orthopedic doctor.
Well this is the thing, I had spent much time prevailing in prayer over Will and his foot, but I must admit I was filled with more anxiety and doubt than faith and hope. Faith is believing along with that comes miraculous healing! "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 We know God is capable of healing, we've read and even witnessed these miracles ourselves. Yet some how we look past just how powerful the God we serve is! I never doubted that God could, I only doubted if God would for me. Sunday Will went back into the nursery and not long after I was called back to get him because he was crying and not wanting to walk on his foot again. Then later in the service he tried walking again and did walk some but still with the limp and within just a few minutes he was ready to sit back down. After church I had my pastor pray for my son, and Monday morning my little boy ran through my house. You heard right, HE RAN!!! No limp, no pain, no tiring he just ran, played and ran some more! He has been running ever since. You see I finally decided on Sunday to give it to God completely. This matter was no longer between the doctors, me and God. My problem was for God and Him alone. He is "The Great Physician", with God there is nothing He can't fix even for me! By the touch of His hand we are healed. Sometimes we are faced with circumstances as a test of our faith.
We must realize that our problems and circumstances are too big to handle on our own. We need the help of our father to get us through our days here on earth. He is "The Great Physician", always anticipating our calls and anxious to HEAL our problems. How often we revert back to thinking to ourselves, "if I had just asked and trusted God with my problem instead of handling it myself I wouldn't be in such a mess!" We tend to make our problems bigger and even last longer by leaning on our own understanding and trusting ourselves. Through Him all things are possible!
Dear Lord, in our lives there will be times of trial and fear. Remind us to cast our cares and present our requests to You, and leave them there. Thank You for the peace only You can give. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
1 comment:
I'm so glad Will's foot is healed! It was so pitiful seeing him cry and limp last Sunday - so thankful he is all better!
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